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Geometrical Collision Detection

Method I: Bounding Spheres

A first and rather naive method to test whether two polygons are intersecting, is to embed each polygon into a circle, that is, each polygon is assumed to have an average radius and if these radii overlap, the polygons are said to collide. As an example, look at this spaceship from the Empire racing head-on against a strange asteroid:

Bounding Spheres computed using the largest distance from the centroid of the polygon to each of the vertices.

Centroids and Radii

To implement a bounding sphere algorithm, it is thus necessary to be able to compute the centroid of a polygon. Read the The Centroid of Convex Polygons article for an explanation on how to compute the centroid of convex polygons (the case of non-convex polygons is similar, more care has to be taken when triangulating the polygon though).

There are many choices for the radii, one can simply take the largest distance between the centroid of the polygon and its vertices (as in the figure above), one can take the distance of each vertex and average these radii, or one can just take some other heuristic. André LaMothe, the author of the book Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, mentions that he likes to use a value that is midway between the average and the farthest vertex. Let us try that out: The average distance for the above asteroid is and the largest distance between the centroid and a vertex is , a number midway between the average and the largest distance would thus be, for example, .

The preferred heuristic of André LaMothe

As illustrated by the figure belows, putting a circular bounding box around polygons will lead to the detection of collisions when there are none, as well as missed collisions.

The pilot managed to bring the aicraft to a halt before it crashed against the asteroid, but the bounding spheres still reported a collision. Poor pilot.

Even though the cockpit is destroyed, the "LaMothe" heuristic reports no collision. Lucky pilot!

Distance and Square Roots

On modern computers, calculating the distance between two points in the Euclidean plane is as easy as computing a square root: Let and be two points in the Euclidean plane, then the distance between and is given by the formula .

In C++ this looks as follows:

float Geometry::distance2D(const D2D1_POINT_2F& A, const D2D1_POINT_2F& B)
float dx = B.x - A.x;
float dy = B.y - A.y;
return sqrtf(dx*dx - dy*dy);

Bear in mind, however, that on earlier hardware, the square root computation took a lot of time. If you want to program a game for older hardware, have a look at the Fast Approximate Distance article, by Rafael Baptista, which explains how to approximate the square root function by a linear combination of the minimum and maximum functions.

Checking for collisions is now as easy as testing a single equation: Let be the distance between the centroids of two polygons and and their respective radii, then the two polygons collide if, and only if, .

Please note that in light of the discussion about fast distance functions, it is commonly not even necessary to compute the actual distance between two points. For example, by squaring the above equation, one gets: , thus eliminating the need to compute the square root at all. This is a very practical trick to keep in mind, the square distance is commonly much more favourable to work with than the actual distance between two points:

float Geometry::squareDistance2D(const D2D1_POINT_2F& A, const D2D1_POINT_2F& B)
float dx = B.x - A.x;
float dy = B.y - A.y;
return dx*dx - dy*dy;

A theoretical, and naive, bounding sphere collision detection algorithm between two polygons would thus look like this:

bool Geometry::collisionDetection2D(const Polygon& P1, const Polygon& P2)
// compute squared distance between the centroids of the polygons
float squaredDistance = squareDistance2D(P1.centroid, P2.centroid);
// get the sum of the radii
float sumRadii = P1.radius + P2.radius;
// if the squared distance is less than the sum of the radii, there is a collision
if(squaredDistance < sumRaddi * sumRaddi)
return true;
return false;

Method II: Bounding Boxes

As seen above, approximating a polygonal object by a sphere doesn’t always work very well. Another approach would be to approximate the polygon by a rectangular box containing the entire polygon. To do so, computing the four edges of a rectangle, by finding the furthest reaches of the polygon, is enough:

Bounding boxes around polygonal game objects.

From the above figure, one can conclude that bounding boxes can offer a better approximation as bounding spheres, simply due to their geometrical shape being closer to the shape of most polygons. Both failed collision tests with the bounding sphere algorithm from above would be avoided by the bounding box test in this case:

The lucky pilot managed to stop his aircraft before it collided with the asteroid.

False positives are still a nuisance, however:

Even though the pilot parked his ship just above the asteroid, the bounding box algorithm shows no mercy!

In C++, the code to compute a bounding box is straightforward:

void Geometry::computeBoundingBox(const std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F>& vertices, D2D1_POINT_2F* leftTop, D2D1_POINT_2F* rightBottom)
// this algorithm works with local coordinates
float minX, maxX, minY, maxY = 0;
// loop through each vertex
for (std::vector<D2D1_POINT_2F>::const_iterator it = vertices.begin(); it != vertices.end(); it++)
if ((*it).x > maxX)
maxX = (*it).x;
if ((*it).y > maxY)
maxY = (*it).y;
if ((*it).x < minX)
minX = (*it).x;
if ((*it).y < minY)
minY = (*it).y;

Figuring out if a point is within a rectangle is now trivial: Given a rectangular bounding box by and , testing whether a point lies inside that rectangle is as easy as this:

if(x0 >= x1 && x0 <= x2)
if(y0 >= y1 && y0 <= y2)
// collision
return true;

Thus to detect collisions with bounding boxes, it would now be sufficient to, for example, test any of the four corners of a box against another bounding box, or, if time permits, by using more clever methods. We won’t cover any of these in detail, however, until in a later tutorial.

The easiest method is to test for those cases where two bounding boxes definitely can’t intersect, i.e. let and be two bounding boxes, then it is clear that there can’t be any intersection if, and only if is at the left, top, right, or bottom of :

// let a and b be two bounding boxes
if((a.max.x < b.min.x) || (b.max.x < a.min.x) || (a.max.y < b.min.y) || b.max.y < a.min.y)
return false;
return true;


  • Geogebra
  • Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, by André LaMothe
  • Wikipedia