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A First DirectX-Framework

The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.

– Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

This chapter concludes the introductory tutorials and summarizes everything that has been discussed so far. After having erred for many hours and after countless mistakes, there finally is a robust game framework for future projects. For further details about the different aspects of the framework, please refer to the appropriate tutorial chapters.

The Utility Classes

The utility classes are helpful helpers to make the life of a game programmer a little bit easier.

The String Converter Class

class StringConverter
static std::wstring s2ws(const std::string& str);
static std::string ws2s(const std::wstring& ws);

The static StringConverter class, defined in stringConverter.h can be used to convert strings to widestrings and vice versa.

The Expected Class

The expected class, defined in expected.h is used to enhance error and exception handling within the application.

The Log Class

This class, defined in log.h, handles the logging of events. So far, in these tutorials, only a file logger has been implemented, writing out a log file of game events to the My Documents folder.

The Service Locator Class

The service locator class, defined in serviceLocator.h, provides services to the entire application, without coupling anything together. So far, in these tutorials, the service locator provides a file logging service. Later, it will surely see more use, for example, when an audio service is implemented.

class ServiceLocator
static std::shared_ptr<Logger<FileLogPolicy> > fileLogger; // the file logger
// file logging services
static Logger<FileLogPolicy>* getFileLogger() { return fileLogger.get(); }; // returns the file logger
static void provideFileLoggingService(const std::shared_ptr<Logger<FileLogPolicy> > providedFileLogger); // sets the file logging service to the given logger

Here is an example of how to use the service locator to retrieve the file logger and to print information to the log file:

util::ServiceLocator::getFileLogger()->print<util::SeverityType::info>("This is an information message.");

The Core Classes

Those are the core components of our application. They are invaluable to any Windows program.

The Timer Class

Keeping track of time is highly important for any game, especially if a mathematical simulation of a physical world is intended. The timer class does just that, by encapsulating a high-performance counter made available by Windows. It is automatically updated and used in the main game loop.

The Window Class

The window class initializes the main window and handles Windows messages. Basically, this class hides all the nasty Windows stuff, such that it will later on be easier to fully focus on programming the game, without worrying about Windows.

The DirectXApp Class

This is the central engine for the entire project — it initializes and connects all the other classes together. To quit the application, press the ESCAPE key. To switch between full-screen and windowed mode, press ALT+ENTER. To change the resolution, press PAGE_DOWN (lower resolution) or PAGE_UP (higher resolution). To show or hide the FPS information, press F1.

The Game Class

Derived of a DirectX Application, the game class is the main entry point to the game. Here all the data is initialized, the game world is updated and finally rendered to the screen.

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/, int /*nShowCmd*/)
// create and initialize the game
DirectXGame game(hInstance);
util::Expected<void> gameInitialization = game.init();
// if the initialization was successful, run the game, else, try to clean up and exit the application
if (gameInitialization.wasSuccessful())
// initialization was successful -> run the game
util::Expected<int> returnValue =;
// clean up after the game has ended
util::Expected<void> convertedReturnValue(returnValue);
// gracefully return
if (returnValue.isValid())
return returnValue.get();
return -1;
// a critical error occured during initialization, try to clean up and to print information about the error
// humbly return with an error
return -1;
class DirectXGame : core::DirectXApp
// constructor and destructor
DirectXGame(HINSTANCE hInstance);
// override virtual functions
util::Expected<void> init() override; // game initialization
void shutdown(util::Expected<void>* expected = NULL) override; // cleans up and shuts the game down (handles errors)
util::Expected<int> update(double dt); // update the game world
util::Expected<int> render(double farSeer); // render the scene
// create graphics
util::Expected<void> initGraphics(); // initializes graphics
// run the game
util::Expected<int> run() override;

DirectXGame(HINSTANCE hInstance)

The constructor takes the instance handle of the application and passes it to the constructor of the DirectXApp class.


During deconstruction, all pointers to graphical elements (such as buffers or vertices of our objects) and sounds, are deleted.

util::Expected init() override

This method initializes the game, by first initializing the DirectXApp class (which then initializes all the other classes and binds them together) and then all other components, for example, graphics and sounds, are created.

void shutdown(util::Expected* expected = NULL) override

This method cleans up and shuts the game down, it also handles error messages.

util::Expected update(double dt)

This function updates the game world based on the laws of mathematics and physics.

util::Expected render(double farSeer)

This method renders the current, updated scene to the screen.

util::Expected initGraphics()

This function initializes the game graphics that are needed at the start of the game.

util::Expected run() override

This method calls the run method of the DirectXApp, thus entering the main event loop.

Graphics Classes

Those classes handle everything that is related to graphical processing.


This class is the graphical workhorse of the application. Most of the core graphical freatures of DirectX are found in this class: switching between full-screen and windowed mode, changing the resolution to computing antialiasing and depth buffering, …

namespace graphics
// structure to hold vertex data
struct VERTEX
float x, y, z; // position
float r, g, b; // colour
// shader buffer
struct ShaderBuffer
BYTE* buffer;
int size;
class Direct3D
// members
core::DirectXApp* dxApp; // pointer to the main application class
// Direct3D
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Device> dev; // the actual Direct3D device
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> devCon; // its context
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain> swapChain; // the swap chain
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11RenderTargetView> renderTargetView; // the rendering target
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11DepthStencilView> depthStencilView; // the depth and stencil buffer
// Shader interfaces
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11VertexShader> standardVertexShader; // the vertex shader
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11PixelShader> standardPixelShader; // the pixel shader
// screen modes
DXGI_FORMAT desiredColourFormat; // the desired colour format
unsigned int numberOfSupportedModes; // the number of supported screen modes for the desired colour format
DXGI_MODE_DESC* supportedModes; // list of all supported screen modes for the desired colour format
DXGI_MODE_DESC currentModeDescription; // description of the currently active screen mode
unsigned int currentModeIndex; // the index of the current mode in the list of all supported screen modes
bool startInFullscreen; // true iff the game should start in fullscreen mode
BOOL currentlyInFullscreen; // true iff the game is currently in fullscreen mode
bool changeMode; // true iff the screen resolution should be changed this frame
// functions to change screen resolutions
void changeResolution(bool increase); // changes the screen resolution, if increase is true, a higher resolution is chosen, else the resolution is lowered; returns true iff the screen resolution should be changed
// helper functions
util::Expected<void> writeCurrentModeDescriptionToConfigurationFile(); // write the current screen resolution to the configuration file
util::Expected<void> readConfigurationFile(); // read preferences from configuration file
// functions to create resources
util::Expected<void> createResources(); // create device resources, such as the swap chain
util::Expected<void> onResize(); // resize the resources
// rendering pipeline
util::Expected<void> initPipeline(); // initializes the (graphics) rendering pipeline
// shaders
util::Expected<ShaderBuffer> loadShader(std::wstring filename); // read shader data from .cso files
// present the scene
void clearBuffers(); // clear the back and depth/stencil buffers
util::Expected<int> present(); // present the chain, by flipping the buffers
// constructor
Direct3D(core::DirectXApp* dxApp);
friend class core::DirectXApp;
friend class Direct2D;
friend class DirectXGame;
friend class core::Window;


A vertex represents a vector in . The x, y, z define its position and the r, g ,b its colour ( red-green-blue).


This structure holds the data read from a pre-compiled shader object.

All of its members are private, thus only available to friendly classes.

core::DirectXApp* dxApp

This member stores the pointer to the main application class.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr dev

This is a COM pointer to an interface of the actual Direct3D device.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr devCon

This member is a COM pointer to the context of the Direct3D device.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr swapChain

This is a COM pointer to the swap chain.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr renderTargetView

A COM pointer to the rendering target.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr depthStencilView

This member holds a COM pointer to the depth and stencil buffer.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr standardVertexShader

A COM pointer to the standard vertex shader.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr standardPixelShader

A COM pointer to the pixel shader.

DXGI_FORMAT desiredColourFormat

This member holds the desired colour format for the application to use. The default is: DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM.

unsigned int numberOfSupportedModes

This member stores the number of screen modes that are supported by the GPU, for the above specified desired colour format.

DXGI_MODE_DESC* supportedModes

This member holds a list of all supported screen modes for the desired colour format.

DXGI_MODE_DESC currentModeDescription

This is a description of the currently active screen mode.

unsigned int currentModeIndex

This member stores the index of the current mode in the list of all supported screen modes.

bool startInFullscreen

This boolean is true if and only if the game should start in full-screen mode.

BOOL currentlyInFullscreen

This boolean is true if and only if the game is currently in full-screen mode.

bool changeMode

This boolean is true if and only if the screen resolution should be changed in this frame.

The following methods are private.

void changeResolution(bool increase)

This function changes the screen resolution, if increase is true, a higher resolution is chosen, else the resolution is lowered.

util::Expected writeCurrentModeDescriptionToConfigurationFile()

This method writes the current screen resolution to the configuration file.

util::Expected readConfigurationFile()

This method reads the preferences from the configuration file.

util::Expected createResources()

This method creates the main Direct3D interface and everything else related to it, such as, for example, the device context and the swap chain.

util::Expected onResize()

This method handles the resizing of all the graphical resources; i.e. it syncs the render target with the refresh rate of the monitor, and it initializes (or re-creates) all resolution dependent Direct3D objects, such as the render view and the depth/stencil buffers.

util::Expected initPipeline()

This function initializes the (graphics) rendering pipeline by loading the pre-compiled shader objects and setting them as the active shaders.

util::Expected loadShader(std::wstring filename)

This is a helper function to read shader data from .cso files.

void clearBuffers()

This method clears the back and depth/stencil buffers.

util::Expected present()

This method presents the chain, by flipping the buffers.

The following methods are public, and automatically invoked by the DirectXApp class.

Direct3D(core::DirectXApp* dxApp)

The constructor takes a pointer to the actual application and stores it in the appropriate member variable. It then calls the createDeviceResources method.


The destructor leaves fullscreen mode and deletes all used pointers.

Direct2D and DirectWrite

This class initializes Direct2D and DirectWrite. This comes in handy to write information to the screen, for debugging, for example, or to create a simple GUI.

namespace graphics
class Direct2D
core::DirectXApp* dxApp; // pointer to the main application class
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFactory2> writeFactory; // pointer to the DirectWrite factory
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1Factory2> factory; // pointer to the Direct2D factory
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1Device1> dev; // pointer to the Direct2D device
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1DeviceContext1> devCon; // pointer to the device context
util::Expected<void> createDevice(); // creates the device and its context
util::Expected<void> createBitmapRenderTarget(); // creates the bitmap render target, set to be the same as the backbuffer already in use for Direct3D
util::Expected<void> initializeTextFormats(); // initializes the different formats, for now, only a format to print FPS information will be created
// constructors
Direct2D(core::DirectXApp* dxApp);
// brushes
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> yellowBrush;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> whiteBrush;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> blackBrush;
// text formats
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> textFormatFPS;
// text layouts
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextLayout> textLayoutFPS;
util::Expected<void> printFPS(); // prints fps information to the screen
friend class core::DirectXApp;
friend class Direct3D;

The following members are private, thus only available to friendly classes.

core::DirectXApp* dxApp

A pointer to the main application class.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr writeFactory

A COM pointer to an interface of the DirectWrite factory.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr factory

A COM pointer to an interface of the Direct2D factory.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr dev

A COM pointer to an interface of the actual Direct2D object.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr devCon;

A COM pointer to the context of the above mentioned Direct2D object.

DirectXApp* dxApp

A pointer to the DirectX class.

The following members, mostly brushes, are publicly available.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr yellowBrush

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr whiteBrush

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr blackBrush

COM pointer to yellow, white and black brushes.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr textFormatFPS

A COM pointer to the text format for the FPS debug information.

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr textLayoutFPS

A COM pointer to the text layout for the FPS debug information.

The following methods are private.

util::Expected createDevice()

This method creates and initializes the main Direct2D and DirectWrite objects.

util::Expected createBitmapRenderTarget()

This function creates the bitmap render target, set to be the same as the backbuffer already in use for Direct3D, that is, the function creates a bitmap target and sets DirectWrite to write to the Direct3D back buffer.

util::Expected initializeTextFormats()

This function initializes all text formats.

The following methods are public and automatically invoked by the DirectXApp class.

Direct2D(core::DirectXApp* dxApp)

The constructors takes a pointer to the actual DirectX application and stores it in the appropriate member variable. It then calls the createDevice() and initTextFormats() methods.


The destructor does what destructors do. It destroys.

util::Expected printFPS()

This method is responsible for printing the fps information to the screen.

The Helper Class

namespace graphics
// function to create a "random" float between 0.0f and 1.0f
static inline float randomColour()
return static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX));
// function to create a "random" float between -1.0f and 1.0f
static inline float randomPosition()
return static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX)) * 2 - 1;

Download the source code here.


  • Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques, by Sanjay Madhav
  • Game Programming Patterns, by Robert Nystrom
  • Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11, by Frank D. Luna
  • Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)
  • Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, by André LaMothe