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Streaming Music with XAudio2

Sam was the only member of the party who had not been over the river before. He had a strange feeling as the slow gurgling stream slipped by: his old life lay behind in the mists, dark adventure lay in front.

– J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Streaming is the process of playing back an audio file while maintaining only a small portion of its data in memory, which allows for large audio files, such as background music, to be played back, with very little memory usage.

To stream an audio file, its data must be read in in chunks instead of completely loading all of it at once. To do so, the audio data is read asynchronously, and the data chunks are stored in a queue of buffers. Once a buffer is filled, it is submitted to a source voice, which then processes the buffer, i.e. plays back the audio data. Once the source voice is finished playing the data inside a buffer, the buffer again becomes available for reading more data. This process allows for large audio files to be played back with minimal memory consumption. Obviously, to harness the power of this technique, the streaming code should be placed in a separate thread, where it can sleep while it waits for long-running disk and audio operations to finish. XAudio2 uses callback structures to wake those threads by triggering events when audio operations have finished.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement the just described technique using the Windows Media Foundation’s source reader in asynchronously mode.

Asynchronous Reading

The Source Reader operates either in synchronous mode or asynchronous mode. In the previous tutorial we used the Source Reader in synchronous mode, which is the default. In synchronous mode, the IMFSourceReader::ReadSample method blocks while the media source produces the next sample. The larger the audio file we are trying to load, the longer the calling thread is blocked. Obviously, this is not what we want for a game.

In asynchronous mode, the ReadSample returns immediately and the work is performed on another thread. After the operation is complete, the Source Reader calls the application through the IMFSourceReaderCallback callback interface. To use asynchronous mode, a pointer to a callback structure must be provided on creation of the source reader.

The callback interface has the following three methods:


This method is called when the source reader receives certain events from the media source.


This method is called when the IMFSourceReader::Flush method completes.


This method is called when the IMFSourceReader::ReadSample method completes.

Implementing the Callback Interface

// callback structure for the WMF Source Reader
struct SourceReaderCallback : public IMFSourceReaderCallback
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFSample> sample; // the sample that was read in
HANDLE hReadSample; // handle to the read sample
bool endOfStream; // true iff the end of the file was reached
HRESULT status; // the status of the stream
std::mutex guard; // thread-safety
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID iid, _COM_Outptr_ void** ppv) override
if (!ppv)
return E_POINTER;
if (_uuidof(IMFSourceReaderCallback) == iid)
*ppv = this;
return S_OK;
*ppv = nullptr;
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() override { return 1; }
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() override { return 1; }
STDMETHOD(OnReadSample)(_In_ HRESULT hrStatus, _In_ DWORD dwStreamIndex, _In_ DWORD dwStreamFlags, _In_ LONGLONG llTimestamp, _In_opt_ IMFSample *pSample) override
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guard);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrStatus))
if (pSample)
sample = pSample;
endOfStream = true;
status = hrStatus;
return S_OK;
STDMETHOD(OnFlush)(_In_ DWORD) override { return S_OK; };
STDMETHOD(OnEvent)(_In_ DWORD, _In_ IMFMediaEvent *) override { return S_OK; };
void Restart();
virtual ~SourceReaderCallback();

There isn’t much to say about this structure. I won’t elaborate on the COM stuff, as it is rather tedious, just note that whenever we read a sample, all we really have to do is to check whether we reached the end of the audio file or not.

Preparing the XAudio2 Engine

The XAudio2 class received a few new methods and members:

// the main audio engine powered by XAudio2 and Windows Media Foundation
class AudioEngine
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IXAudio2> dev; // the main XAudio2 engine
IXAudio2MasteringVoice* masterVoice; // a mastering voice
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFAttributes> sourceReaderConfiguration;// Windows Media Foundation Source Reader Configuration
// streaming variables
SourceReaderCallback sourceReaderCallback; // callback class for the source reader
StreamingVoiceCallback streamingVoiceCallback; // callback class for the source voice
static const int maxBufferCount = 3; // maximal numbers of buffers used during streaming
bool stopStreaming = false; // breaks the streaming thread
// initialization
util::Expected<void> initialize(); // this function initializes the XAudio2 interface
// read audio data from the harddrive
util::Expected<void> loadFile(const std::wstring& filename, std::vector<BYTE>& audioData, WAVEFORMATEX** wafeFormatEx, unsigned int& waveLength); // load audio file from disk
// stream audio
util::Expected<void> createAsyncReader(const std::wstring& filename, IMFSourceReader** sourceReader, WAVEFORMATEX* wfx, size_t wfxSize); // creates a source reader in asyncrononous mode
util::Expected<void> streamFile(const std::wstring& filename, XAUDIO2_VOICE_SENDS sendList, const bool loop = false); // streams a file from the harddrive
util::Expected<void> loopStream(IMFSourceReader* const sourceReader, IXAudio2SourceVoice* const sourceVoice, const bool loop = false); // the actual loop of the streaming function
// constructor and destructor
friend class AudioComponent;

SourceReaderCallback sourceReaderCallback

This is a callback structure similar to the above described callback structure for the source reader, but this one is used while playing the audio chunks. We will talk more about this soon.

StreamingVoiceCallback streamingVoiceCallback;

This is the callback structure for the source voice as explained above.

static const int maxBufferCount = 3

This member defines the maximal number of buffers to use during streaming.

bool stopStreaming = false;

This boolean member tells the streaming function whether it is time to go to bed or to happily continue streaming audio.

In the next section, we will talk about the following three functions in greater detail:


This method creates a source reader in asyncrononous mode.


This method streams an audio file from the harddrive.


This method is the actual workhorse for the audio streaming.

Asyncronous Source Reader

As for synchronous reading, to stream a file, we first have to attach a source reader to a file on the hard drive. To get asynchronous reading, we set the corresponding attribute of the source reader as follows:

// set the source reader to asyncronous mode
hr = sourceReaderConfiguration->SetUnknown(MF_SOURCE_READER_ASYNC_CALLBACK, &sourceReaderCallback);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to set the source reader callback class for asyncronous read!");

Basically, this attaches our above defined callback structure to the source reader. The rest is just the same as in the synchronous case, and thus I will simply paste the C++-code here:

util::Expected<void> AudioEngine::createAsyncReader(const std::wstring& filename, IMFSourceReader** sourceReader, WAVEFORMATEX* wfx, size_t wfxSize)
// handle errors
// set the source reader to asyncronous mode
hr = sourceReaderConfiguration->SetUnknown(MF_SOURCE_READER_ASYNC_CALLBACK, &sourceReaderCallback);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to set the source reader callback class for asyncronous read!");
// create the source reader
hr = MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL(filename.c_str(), sourceReaderConfiguration.Get(), sourceReader);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to create source reader from URL!");
// stream index
// select the first audio stream, and deselect all other streams
hr = (*sourceReader)->SetStreamSelection((DWORD)MF_SOURCE_READER_ALL_STREAMS, false);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to disable streams!");
hr = (*sourceReader)->SetStreamSelection(streamIndex, true);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to enable first audio stream!");
// query information about the media file
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaType> nativeMediaType;
hr = (*sourceReader)->GetNativeMediaType(streamIndex, 0, nativeMediaType.GetAddressOf());
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to query media information!");
// make sure that this is really an audio file
GUID majorType{};
hr = nativeMediaType->GetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, &majorType);
if (majorType != MFMediaType_Audio)
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: the requested file is not an audio file!");
// check whether the audio file is compressed or uncompressed
GUID subType{};
hr = nativeMediaType->GetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, &subType);
if (subType == MFAudioFormat_Float || subType == MFAudioFormat_PCM)
// the audio file is uncompressed
// the audio file is compressed; we have to decompress it first
// to do so, we inform the SourceReader that we want uncompressed data
// this causes the SourceReader to look for decoders to perform our request
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaType> partialType = nullptr;
hr = MFCreateMediaType(partialType.GetAddressOf());
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable create media type!");
// set the media type to "audio"
hr = partialType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to set media type to audio!");
// request uncompressed data
hr = partialType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_PCM);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to set guid of media type to uncompressed!");
hr = (*sourceReader)->SetCurrentMediaType(streamIndex, NULL, partialType.Get());
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to set current media type!");
// uncompress the data
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaType> uncompressedAudioType = nullptr;
hr = (*sourceReader)->GetCurrentMediaType(streamIndex, uncompressedAudioType.GetAddressOf());
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to retrieve the current media type!");
UINT32 waveFormatSize = 0;
WAVEFORMATEX* waveFormat = nullptr;
hr = MFCreateWaveFormatExFromMFMediaType(uncompressedAudioType.Get(), &waveFormat, &waveFormatSize);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to create the wave format!");
// ensure the stream is selected
hr = (*sourceReader)->SetStreamSelection(streamIndex, true);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to select audio stream!");
// copy data
memcpy_s(wfx, wfxSize, waveFormat, waveFormatSize);
// return success
return { };

Final Preparations

The streamFile method basically prepares the source reader for asynchronous reading and then loops over the audio data for as long as we desire, using an XAudio2 source voice to play back the audio chunks that are available. To play back those chunks, another callback structure is needed, a source voice callback structure:

// callback structure for XAudio2 voices
struct StreamingVoiceCallback : public IXAudio2VoiceCallback
HANDLE hBufferEndEvent;
STDMETHOD_(void, OnVoiceProcessingPassStart)(UINT32) override { };
STDMETHOD_(void, OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd)() override { };
STDMETHOD_(void, OnStreamEnd)() override { };
STDMETHOD_(void, OnBufferStart)(void*) override { };
STDMETHOD_(void, OnBufferEnd)(void*) override { SetEvent(hBufferEndEvent); };
STDMETHOD_(void, OnLoopEnd)(void*) override { };
STDMETHOD_(void, OnVoiceError)(void*, HRESULT) override { };
virtual ~StreamingVoiceCallback();

Once again, we will ignore the tedious COM stuff; we then realize that there really isn’t much to do here — the only event we are interested in handling currently is when we reach the end of a buffer, this is done, what a surprise, in the OnBufferEnd method.

util::Expected<void> AudioEngine::streamFile(const std::wstring& filename, XAUDIO2_VOICE_SENDS sendList, const bool loop)
// handle errors
util::Expected<void> result;
// create the asyncronous source reader
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFSourceReader> sourceReader;
result = createAsyncReader(filename, sourceReader.GetAddressOf(), &waveFormat, sizeof(waveFormat));
if (!result.isValid())
return result;
// create the source voice
IXAudio2SourceVoice* sourceVoice;
hr = dev->CreateSourceVoice(&sourceVoice, &waveFormat, 0, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_FREQ_RATIO, &streamingVoiceCallback, &sendList, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to create the source voice for streaming!");
// loop
result = loopStream(sourceReader.Get(), sourceVoice, loop);
if (!result.isValid())
return result;
sourceReader = nullptr;
// return success
return { };


The actual work is done in the looping function. Once again, as in the synchronous case, we will enter an endless loop. This time though, we will have two actual breaking conditions: if the stream is specified to loop, the only way to get out of the forever loop is to set the stopStreaming boolean to true; else it is also possible to break the loop from reaching the end of the audio file.

util::Expected<void> AudioEngine::loopStream(IMFSourceReader* const sourceReader, IXAudio2SourceVoice* const sourceVoice, const bool loop)
for (;;)
if (stopStreaming)
if (sourceReaderCallback.endOfStream)
if (loop)

As before, the first thing to do is to get a sample of the audio data:

util::Expected<void> AudioEngine::loopStream(IMFSourceReader* const sourceReader, IXAudio2SourceVoice* const sourceVoice, const bool loop)
for (;;)
hr = sourceReader->ReadSample(streamIndex, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to read source sample!");
WaitForSingleObject(sourceReaderCallback.hReadSample, INFINITE);

Notice that this time we have set all but the first parameter of the ReadSample method to zero, indicating that we indeed want to read the audio data in asynchronous mode. Once the sample is read in, we check if we have reached the end of the file and, if that is the case, whether we should restart the stream (loop) or to stop streaming:

util::Expected<void> AudioEngine::loopStream(IMFSourceReader* const sourceReader, IXAudio2SourceVoice* const sourceVoice, const bool loop)
for (;;)
if (stopStreaming)
hr = sourceReader->ReadSample(streamIndex, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to read source sample!");
WaitForSingleObject(sourceReaderCallback.hReadSample, INFINITE);
if (sourceReaderCallback.endOfStream)
if (loop)
// restart the stream
PROPVARIANT var = { 0 };
var.vt = VT_I8;
hr = sourceReader->SetCurrentPosition(GUID_NULL, var);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to set the source reader position!");

The restart function of the callback structure simply sets the end of stream boolean to false and empties the sample. PROPVARIANTs are used to set properties of objects, in this case, we simply reset the current position of the source reader to the beginning of the audio file (GUID_NULL). By passing VT_I8, we specify that the type of the property is an 8-byte signed integer in the little-endian byte order format.

Okay, with all the looping and breaking stuff out of the way, it is time to actually read the data and to prepare it to be played back by an XAudio2 source voice. This is actually similar to the synchronous case:

util::Expected<void> AudioEngine::loopStream(IMFSourceReader* const sourceReader, IXAudio2SourceVoice* const sourceVoice, const bool loop)
DWORD currentStreamBuffer = 0;
size_t bufferSize[maxBufferCount] = { 0 };
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffers[maxBufferCount];
for (;;)
if (stopStreaming)
hr = sourceReader->ReadSample(streamIndex, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (sourceReaderCallback.endOfStream)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> mediaBuffer;
hr = sourceReaderCallback.sample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(mediaBuffer.GetAddressOf());
if (FAILED(hr))
BYTE* audioData = nullptr;
DWORD sampleBufferLength = 0;
hr = mediaBuffer->Lock(&audioData, nullptr, &sampleBufferLength);
if (FAILED(hr))
if (bufferSize[currentStreamBuffer] < sampleBufferLength)
buffers[currentStreamBuffer].reset(new uint8_t[sampleBufferLength]);
bufferSize[currentStreamBuffer] = sampleBufferLength;
memcpy_s(buffers[currentStreamBuffer].get(), sampleBufferLength, audioData, sampleBufferLength);
hr = mediaBuffer->Unlock();
if (FAILED(hr))
// wait until the XAudio2 source has played enough data
// we want to have only maxBufferCount-1 buffers on the queue to make sure that there is always one free buffer for the Media Foundation streamer
for (;;)
if (state.BuffersQueued < maxBufferCount - 1)
WaitForSingleObject(streamingVoiceCallback.hBufferEndEvent, INFINITE);
XAUDIO2_BUFFER buf = { 0 };
buf.AudioBytes = sampleBufferLength;
buf.pAudioData = buffers[currentStreamBuffer].get();
currentStreamBuffer %= maxBufferCount;

The beginning is just the same as for the synchronous case: we have to convert the sample data into a contiguous buffer. Once done, the data is copied into an array of bytes. The only real difference is here:

// wait until the XAudio2 source has played enough data
// we want to have only maxBufferCount-1 buffers on the queue to make sure that there is always one free buffer for the Media Foundation streamer
for (;;)
if (state.BuffersQueued < maxBufferCount - 1)
WaitForSingleObject(streamingVoiceCallback.hBufferEndEvent, INFINITE);

If there is no free buffer, we have to wait until the source voice is done playing back the audio data before we can start filling the next buffer.

And that’s it, here is the entire function in all of its glory:

util::Expected<void> AudioEngine::loopStream(IMFSourceReader* const sourceReader, IXAudio2SourceVoice* const sourceVoice, const bool loop)
DWORD currentStreamBuffer = 0;
size_t bufferSize[maxBufferCount] = { 0 };
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffers[maxBufferCount];
for (;;)
if (stopStreaming)
hr = sourceReader->ReadSample(streamIndex, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to read source sample!");
WaitForSingleObject(sourceReaderCallback.hReadSample, INFINITE);
if (sourceReaderCallback.endOfStream)
if (loop)
// restart the stream
PROPVARIANT var = { 0 };
var.vt = VT_I8;
hr = sourceReader->SetCurrentPosition(GUID_NULL, var);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to set the source reader position!");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> mediaBuffer;
hr = sourceReaderCallback.sample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(mediaBuffer.GetAddressOf());
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to convert audio data to contiguous buffer!");
BYTE* audioData = nullptr;
DWORD sampleBufferLength = 0;
hr = mediaBuffer->Lock(&audioData, nullptr, &sampleBufferLength);
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to create lock the media buffer!");
if (bufferSize[currentStreamBuffer] < sampleBufferLength)
buffers[currentStreamBuffer].reset(new uint8_t[sampleBufferLength]);
bufferSize[currentStreamBuffer] = sampleBufferLength;
memcpy_s(buffers[currentStreamBuffer].get(), sampleBufferLength, audioData, sampleBufferLength);
hr = mediaBuffer->Unlock();
if (FAILED(hr))
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to unlock the media buffer!");
// wait until the XAudio2 source has played enough data
// we want to have only maxBufferCount-1 buffers on the queue to make sure that there is always one free buffer for the Media Foundation streamer
for (;;)
if (state.BuffersQueued < maxBufferCount - 1)
WaitForSingleObject(streamingVoiceCallback.hBufferEndEvent, INFINITE);
XAUDIO2_BUFFER buf = { 0 };
buf.AudioBytes = sampleBufferLength;
buf.pAudioData = buffers[currentStreamBuffer].get();
currentStreamBuffer %= maxBufferCount;
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: Unable to loop through the media stream!");
// return success
return { };

Stream Events

To use our powerful new streaming ability, we will create a structure to handle stream events:

struct StreamEvent
std::wstring filename;
bool loop = false;
AudioTypes type = AudioTypes::Music;
StreamEvent() : filename(L""), loop(false), type(AudioTypes::Music) {};
StreamEvent(const std::wstring& filename, const bool loop, const AudioTypes type) : filename(filename), loop(loop), type(type) { };
~StreamEvent() {};
friend class AudioComponent;

A stream event links to an audio files on the hard drive, obviously the audio file we want to stream, it defines whether it intends to be looped or not, and it specifies its type, i.e. whether it is a music file or a sound effect. This is important to send the source voice into the correct submix voice.

To be able to stream music files while playing the game, the audio component of our game calls the above implemented XAudio2 streaming function from a worker thread:

class AudioComponent : public core::DepescheDestination
// the main audio engine
AudioEngine* engine; // the main audio engine: XAudio2 with Windows Media Component
// streaming
std::thread* streamingThread;
// handle message
util::Expected<void> onMessage(const core::Depesche& depesche);
// stream files from disk
util::Expected<void> streamFile(const std::wstring fileName, const AudioTypes type, const bool loop);
void endStream();
util::Expected<void> AudioComponent::streamFile(const std::wstring fileName, const AudioTypes type, const bool loop)
engine->stopStreaming = false;
if(type == AudioTypes::Music)
streamingThread = new std::thread(&AudioEngine::streamFile, engine, fileName, musicSendList, loop);
else if(type == AudioTypes::Sound)
streamingThread = new std::thread(&AudioEngine::streamFile, engine, fileName, soundsSendList, loop);
// return success
return { };

In C++-11, starting a new thread is straightforward, we simply have to create a new std::thread. As parameters, we have to input the function we want to be executed on the new thread, in this case, the streamFile method from the AudioEngine class, we then specify the instance of the class (engine), and finally pass the desired parameters for the streamFile function.

To stop a stream, we simply set the stopStreaming variable of the XAudio2 engine to true:

void AudioComponent::endStream()
engine->stopStreaming = true;
if (streamingThread->joinable())

And finally, incorporating the new streaming ability into our message system, is as easy as snapping our fingers:

enum DepescheTypes { ActiveKeyMap, Gamepad, Damage, PlaySoundEvent, StopSoundEvent, BeginStream, EndStream };
util::Expected<void> AudioComponent::onMessage(const core::Depesche& depesche)
if (depesche.type == core::DepescheTypes::PlaySoundEvent)
else if (depesche.type == core::DepescheTypes::StopSoundEvent)
else if (depesche.type == core::DepescheTypes::BeginStream)
// begin streaming music
if (depesche.message == nullptr)
return std::runtime_error("Critical error: depesche was empty!");
util::Expected<void> result = streamFile(((StreamEvent*)depesche.message)->filename, ((StreamEvent*)depesche.message)->type, ((StreamEvent*)depesche.message)->loop);
if (!result.isValid())
return result;
else if (depesche.type == core::DepescheTypes::EndStream)

And here is an example of how to stream the menu music from the previous tutorial, instead of loading it in, which saves a lot of memory, and is a lot faster as well:

// menu music
audio::StreamEvent* menuMusic;
// load the menu music
menuMusic = new audio::StreamEvent(dxApp.getFileSystemComponent().openFile(fileSystem::DataFolders::Music, L"menuMusic.mp3"), true, audio::AudioTypes::Music);
if (!musicIsPlaying)
// send depesche to play music
core::Depesche depesche(*this, dxApp.getAudioComponent(), core::DepescheTypes::BeginStream, menuMusic);
musicIsPlaying = true;

Wow, we had to implement many new ideas to be able to stream audio data from the hard drive, but it was definitely worth it! You can download the source code from here.

Rejoice, we have now gathered enough knowledge to program a few simple games, such as Tetris, Breakout and Pac-Man.

In the next tutorial, we will implement a basic Tetris clone.



(in alphabetic order)

  • Game Programming Algorithms, by Sanjay Madhav
  • Game Programming Patterns, by Robert Nystrom
  • Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)
  • Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, by André LaMothe
  • Wikipedia